Friday, August 15, 2014

Accepting Reality: The Hardest Thing to Do (Part 1: Accepting Your Mistakes)

You were taking all day fixing your hair, your make-up, your clothes and many more. Suddenly you hear your name called and walking forward, you were instructed to sit on a 3-legged stool.

"Look at the camera, say cheese!," the camera man told you. Slowly, you gave the best smile you could ever hold that time.

What did you expect? A person that looks like a model with a great smile that seems to brighten anybody's day. BUT NO! When you got your photo, it was a slimy disgust of an over make-up, ragged freak. At first you thought it wasn't you, but it is YOU.

Sometimes we don't expect things to happen like that. We want everything to be in our own expectations: good grades, most popular person in school, most athletic in class and many more.

One and the first thing that most of us face is this: accepting our mistakes.

Yes, sometimes we think we didn't do anything wrong. We have the right reasons to do such things and our excuses are definitely valid. Believe me, it happens to a lot of us. But didn't you realize, even if your excuses seems right, it doesn't actually give you a right to do wrong things. Wrong actions for the right reasons is a sin. In other words, no matter how awesome you make your excuses, no matter how convincing they can be, you still did something wrong. Sometimes it's unintentional, but it's still useless to make excuses over it. Just accept it and let it go. Say sorry and remember to not do it again. Learn from your mistakes in short.

Many of us, when accused of doing something wrong would sometimes fight back saying, "NO, I didn't do anything wrong! I did it because...." But actually, it makes things worse. It breaks relationships, family ties and respect.

"I didn't do anything wrong!"
Which is why we must accept our mistakes. You may think it may feel as if you are throwing away your pride, and true enough, you must humble yourself before doing this. Yes, this may be something hard to do but it's still the right thing to do.

Just like it's said in Proverbs 11:2 (NIV) "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom."

When we are proud, when we don't accept that we are wrong, we become disgraceful, we lose our way in the path of life. But when we humble ourselves, we learn wisdom from our mistakes and become a better person.

Whenever you feel like answering back and saying why you didn't do anything wrong, remember to look at yourself and do your best to hold your tongue. Then after a while, turn to God and ask him to help change your pride to humility. Surely, after practicing this with your best effort, it will become a habit and you never know that maybe you are already accepting your own mistakes without even being conscious about it. Remember, humble people are joyful people. :)

and....Always count His blessings! :)